Why Is My Tree Shedding Excessively?

Trees are an invaluable asset to the home and help boost your property's aesthetic appeal. Nonetheless, some trees may shed leaves, branches, bark, needles, and sap due to various elements. While mild shedding is fairly typical for some tree species, you might need tree removal services if there's intense shedding. Here are four possible reasons why your tree is shedding excessively: Diseases A sick tree typically sheds its leaves, bark, and branches. Read More 

3 Conifer Challenges A Tree Trimmer Can Help With

Tall evergreen conifers can provide year-round shade and beauty in your landscaping, but they do come with a challenge. Often the lower limbs grow nearly to the ground, impeding traffic. Weak and unbalanced growth can also be a concern, as the top begins to shade out the bottom of the tree. Fortunately, a tree trimming professional has a few handy techniques to address these challenges. 1. Limb Up Limbing up is a tree trimmers phrase for removing the lower limbs on a tree to effectively raise the canopy. Read More 

3 Concrete Reasons Why You Should Invest In Tree Trimming

Trees are essential to your home because they provide shade to your family members, allowing them to relax in the yard. They also protect your house from strong winds, enhancing energy efficiency. Therefore, you should invest in proper tree care, like trimming the overgrown or leaning branches to increase their long-term survival. However, you may get tempted to ignore trimming your trees, which may be dangerous because the weak or overgrown branches may fall and hurt your loved ones. Read More 

Beginner Landscaping Tips For First-Time Homeowners

Buying your first home is an amazing experience, but it takes some work to keep up with. Part of this upkeep is taking care of the landscaping, which you can succeed at, even as a beginner, if you consult with this landscaping guide. Don't Let Trees Cause Property Damage If your home has trees, it's important to not let them cause property damage because this would probably cost a lot of money to fix. Read More 

Why You Might Need To Remove A Healthy Tree From Your Property

Trees often have to be removed if they start to suffer from disease or infestation, but even healthy trees may need to be removed under certain circumstances. When trees are too close to your home, start disrupting pavement and plumbing, and block other plant life from growing, it may be time to get rid of them. It's Growing Too Close There are many different factors that play into how far a tree should be from your house. Read More